Worksite Wellness
More organizations recognize that individual and organizational health and performance are inseparable. Unhealthy behaviors at the individual and corporate levels profoundly compromise business success. McGlothin Davis offers services addressing employee health and well-being.
Wellness Assessments
Accurate assessment is the foundation for successful workplace wellness initiatives. In preparation for determining the appropriate wellness focus for your organization, we first work with you to answer business case questions.
We work with you to gather data:
- Health-related employee costs
- Non-medical costs of unhealthy lifestyles
- Workforce wellness interests
- Workforce wellness needs
- Organizational factors that may influence execution of wellness initiatives
Program Design
- Eclectic approach for diverse populations
- Rich mix of incentive programs/campaigns
- Linkage of workforce wellness to core business strategy
- Measurement of results of workplace wellness interventions
Program Evaluation
- Comparison of outcomes to goals
- Clarity of mission, vision and goals
- Bottom line impacts